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Jutzi Water

Legionnaires' Disease

Legionnaires disease is a severe form of pneumonia caused by the Legionella Pneumophila bacterium, which can be fatal. The majority of Legionnaires disease outbreaks can be traced back to hot water and are the result of exposure to aerosols contaminated with the bacteria. 

Legionella, the bacterium that causes Legionnaires' disease, occurs naturally in freshwater environments, like lakes and streams. Generally, the low amounts of these bacteria in freshwater do not lead to disease. Legionella can pose a health risk when it gets into building water systems and certain other devices. Generally, to pose a health risk, Legionella has to: First: Grow (increase in numbers), Then: Spread through small water droplets (aerosolization)

" Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)"

Exposure can come from shower heads, faucets, drinking water, aerosol mists, humidification systems, cooling towers and many more. With respect to cooling towers, aerosols are formed which will be carried into the environment through tower exhaust.  If Legionella bacteria is present in the tower water, breathing the aerosols can result in the infection. Poorly maintained cooling towers have been frequently implicated in outbreaks of Legionnaires disease. 


With heightened concern over Legionella and the potential for Legionnaires’ disease, facility owners are turning to Jutzi Water Technologies for solutions that manage Legionella bacteria risk in cooling towers, and other water systems. Achievement of this important goal requires good processes, good programs, consistent application and documentation. No program can promise sterile conditions in a system at all times, however, when properly applied and maintained, Legionella risk management programs limits risk effectively, addresses factors influencing growth and transmission and reduces the likelihood of exposure.



Jutzi Water Technologies has the expertise and equipment to assist you in developing your Legionella Risk Management Plan (including Legionella testing), based on the latest ASHRAE 188P standard.

For more information regarding Legionella bacteria and its prevention

Learn more about how we can help prevent Legionnaires' Disease in your cooling towers here:

For more information about Legionella bacteria visit the links bellow:


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